Back when I was travelled for the first time to conference in
Thailand, I used to think Islam was the most complicated religion. Okay wait...
How to say RIBET in English? (Mau pake kata “troublesome” yang padanannya
nyusahin, tapi nggak tega, hhmm huhu)
But as I grow older, I realized that maybe... I just lack of exposures to diverse and heterogenous cultures. The thought of islam having a
complex ritual and somewhat arduous religion is a result from living as majority... the
uniformity is inevitable. Sometimes I think I become Muslim just for the sake
of being comfortable hahaha. It is an easy choice~
Okay let’s get back to what we are talking earlier... Islam
feels troublesome. Which one I refer to troublesome? Of course the solat.. five
times a day, AN OBLIGATION! It is a sin if you are not do it! You need a proper
place and attire to do it! Ugh! The ritual and the understanding what, how and
why! I know, I am not religious enough. Sometimes it feels too dry, just for
the formality and maybe not that meaningful.
Macem juknis deh keberadaannya. Ada. Dilakukan. Udah gitu
aja ((di luar negri ada juknis ga?)) HAHAHA
Gimana sih ga konsisten banget nulis in English aishh (!)
Okay, it might resemble Term of Reference, necessary but
some thought of it existence as formality.
Talking about complexity, we are not even talking about fasting
and hajj.
But lately since I am home. I start to think about one
verse... that basically told why we are here.
ÙˆَÙ…َا Ø®َÙ„َÙ‚ْتُ الْجِÙ†َّ ÙˆَالْØ¥ِÙ†ْسَ Ø¥ِÙ„َّا Ù„ِÙŠَعْبُدُونِ
I did not create jinn and humans except to worship Me.
- Az Zariyat: 56
As I am writing this, I realized that it is natural if the act
of worshipping God makes us spare our time, did the ritual at any given time,
with all the requirements completed.
Because that is why we are here!
If we stretch that, the only thing that is worthy of us going complicatedness are things related to our religion. Don’t you agree? Yang boleh ngeribetin kita, memang sepantasnya urusan terkait Tuhan, justru yang lainnya nggak.
Sorry if I sounded like I am giving you lecturer and started to bore you, anyway... this is just a train of thought.
Hopefully, I could always remember that even if my fluctuated iman is at the lowest.
Here is a picture of architectural mosque to emphasized the complicatedness of my religion on tangible asset.
Grans Mosque of Sultan Riau in Penyengat Island |
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