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Showing posts from November, 2020

Surveillance Capitalism: Isu Dunia Digital dan Tetek Bengeknya

Kalau kamu sudah nonton Social Dilemma di Netflix akan lebih terbantu untuk memahami buku berjudul Surveillance Capitalism karangan Ibu Soshana Zuboff ini. Di dokumenter Social Dilemma penekanannya lebih ke arah bagaimana kita sebagai manusia dibuat kecanduan main sosmed, dan bagaimana diam-diam ternyata menjadi sasaran untuk pemasaran produk. Ya ujung-ujungnya cuan sih~ Sementara di buku ini ruang lingkup bahasannya meluas hingga menyentuh aspek politik, menjelaskan dari latar belakang kenapa bisa kejadian si digital ini berulah, dan nunjukkin apa aja yang bisa terjadi kalau kita ngga sadar fenomena ini. Jadi.. Surveillance itu artinya pengawasan, pengintai, atau mata-mata gitu.. Secara sederhana surveillance dapat dimaknai sebagai CCTV yang selalu mengawasi gerak-gerik kita. Kemudian kenapa bawa-bawa kapitalisme? Itu karena adanya motif ekonomi yang melekat! Intinya tuh dia stalking kita dan dapet duit dari situ (?) SIAPA? Kalau di sini sih, BIG 5: Google, Amazon, Apple, Micro...

Nudge Unit

It has been a long time since I know the word nudge , maybe to translate it into Indonesian, it was similar as "nyenggol" or "dorong".  As Indonesian we have the term senggol bacok, which translated into English would be a little scary: nudge and get stabbed (?) I t is a chain of action reaction. I don’t know if you already heard the nudge theory with the Godfather on that area such as Richard Thaler or Daniel Kahneman. According to Thaler and Sunstein (2008), a nudge is “any aspect of the choice architecture that alters people’s behavior in a predictable way without forbidding any options or significantly changing their economic incentives.”  For example, the simple intervention to put healthier option of food at eye level on the supermarket. We do not ban junk food. This action is not mandate, but it is an effort that will benefit us in long term. Many policy makers believe that this theory is important. Oh YES, in 2017 Richard Thaler win Nobel Prize in economic...

At my lowest iman

Back when I was travelled for the first time to conference in Thailand, I used to think Islam was the most complicated religion. Okay wait... How to say RIBET in English? (Mau pake kata “troublesome” yang padanannya nyusahin, tapi nggak tega, hhmm huhu) But as I grow older, I realized that maybe... I just lack of exposures to diverse and heterogenous cultures. The thought of islam having a complex ritual and somewhat arduous religion is a result from living as majority... the uniformity is inevitable. Sometimes I think I become Muslim just for the sake of being comfortable hahaha. It is an easy choice~ Okay let’s get back to what we are talking earlier... Islam feels troublesome. Which one I refer to troublesome? Of course the solat.. five times a day, AN OBLIGATION! It is a sin if you are not do it! You need a proper place and attire to do it! Ugh! The ritual and the understanding what, how and why! I know, I am not religious enough. Sometimes it feels too dry, just for the formal...